Enough about solutions, what about causes?

What are some things that can cause workplace negativity?

According to a study by international consultant Towers Perrin and behavioral researchers Gang & Gang, reported by the HR columnist Susan M. Heathfield, found these five reasons:

1) Excessive workload
2) Concerns about management ability
3) Worry about job and retirement security
4) Lack of challenge or outright boredom on the job
5) Perceived lack of recognition, both in pay and other forms.

A lot of the times you may find people in a situation where they can't afford to quite a job they hate so they just have to put up with it and therefore comes a very bad attitude leaking their negativing into the "waters" of the workplace. What are your thoughts on how you would deal with something like this?


  1. I said it before,but I think the best way to solve any of these causes of negativity is to do constantly do the following:
    1.) For excessive workload-Always inform the employees that yes it is a lot to do, but take each day at a time. Inform them that you are there to help if they need anything along the way.
    2.)Concerns about Management ability-Voice your concerns to a supervisor or manager that you are confident and comfortable with. Explain exactly what the problem is and avoid personal issues.
    3.)Worry about job and retirement security-That is difficult to gauge because in this economy most people should be content with just having a job. But as a person everyone should be saving for retirment. Look into IRA's or 401K plan outside of work. You can find one that can easily fit your needs.
    4.)Lack of Challenge on the job-I think the best way to handle this is to always switch up job responsibilites daily. One day greeting clients, one day working on phones, one day rooming patients. It is difficult to get bored that way.
    5.)Perceived lack of recognition-Make it a point to say thank you and appreciative comments on a daily basis. That will help everyone in the workplace get out of that negative funk.
